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  1. #11
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    Post removed
    Last edited by Antilles; 09-24-2010 at 11:14 AM.

  2. #12
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    Nunya is moot. A name-calling jerk who uses much the same verbiage as One-Eyed Willie. Case dismissed!

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antilles View Post
    Your facts are rambling, obnoxious and incongruent. In later posts you revert to merely name-calling to prove your point... which you DO NOT HAVE! You write much like one-eyed willie, and defend the developers, so I can only presume you are one and the same.

    Your name is correct. None of this is your cowardly business, so butt out.
    You made it everyone's business did you not? I mean this is a public forum where you are stating your "case"?

    So I guess that makes it mine, and anyone who cares to post's business.

    Obnoxious because I disagree or because you have reading comprehension issues?

    I name called to kevbo who is just a mouthpiece, a puppet that you and anon yank the strings on. He hasn't had an original thought in, I would imagine, his entire pathetic existence.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antilles View Post
    Nunya is moot. A name-calling jerk who uses much the same verbiage as One-Eyed Willie. Case dismissed!
    Dismiss your non-case, quit crying about others being stronger than you, spreading lies about people who are better at the game than you, or spend some money. Any of those scenarios would make you appear less whiny than you do right now.

  5. #15
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    Post removed
    Last edited by Antilles; 09-24-2010 at 11:14 AM.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antilles View Post
    Obfuscation, name calling and 'opinion' are supposed to lend credence to your posts? Not likely. Come out from behind your mask, coward.

    Oh, and by the way, If Chris would have listened to anon, sooner, it wouldn't have taken so long for Tomb to be banned, then readmitted after 'repenting.'

    In your cowardly world, cheating must be a way of life. Good for you !

    Peace? The game is about war and battles! You want peace, go play with your Malibu Barbie !!!
    anyone listening to anon should just go ahead and drink the kool-aid eh? Is his last name Jones by any chance?

    apparently YOUR opinions are somehow more valuable than others? You are a walking talking contradiction.

    I am no coward, certainly not intimidated by a common e-thug. Have a great day, keep telling yourself the same bedtime stories.

  7. #17
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    Default Senario.2.0

    IF i owned the game and found a player cheating then there banned. Yh they can set up a new account and by more RC's from me. But i will keep a careful eye of that player in case they cheat. If caught there banned. Yh they can set up a new account...............etc etc.

    Does Chris not do this? Sounds like good business to me!!

    Ok i have a ps3 and play online games like Modern Warfare 2. Now if im in a game or join a game and someone starts glitching/cheating then i quit. If the next few games are the same then i dont bother playing. Now in no way am i insinuating that you should quit the game Antilles but if you seriously believe that cheating is going on and THE BOSS/OWNER/CHRIS allows this to happen then.............................

    But i say you put up this post just to pour petrol over the flames between WoD and IN.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by rivers View Post

    But i say you put up this post just to pour petrol over the flames between WoD and IN.

    Interesting theory rivers, perhaps that huge failure of an ambush on WoD lit a fire under him again?

    I looked at the numbers on that little war and just shook my head. Some great tactical leader.

  9. #19
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    Default lmao

    1. anon started it all with his own cheating

    2. I have not used a bot on rok or the new Tomb

    3. I will willingly leave WoD and beat you down daily if you want - doesn't bother me.

    the original tomb started using a bot because Sir Anthony was using one to hog the "key" bosses

    I saw him using a bot and stole some of his boss kills - did not get a message about it til hours later - you'd think he would of noticed sooner, no?

    So I get messaged by anon about how his "neighbor" Sir Anthony is complaining about me stealing kills. So I let anon know that Sir Anthony was using a bot. So this goes on for some time and I finally give up trying to compete with Sir Anthony for kills and level up instead eventually passing anon and becoming at that time the highest player in the game.

    Myspace Algadon comes out and we start playing that. I and many other myspace algadon players realize you can help people with quests simply by changing the ID # at the end of the URL. Insanity ensues - people kick people from clan for helping when they didn't want them to, etc. anon gets his first myspace algadon account deleted when he gets all pissed off. he makes a new myspace algadon account and takes out his feelings of inadequacy on me in the web version.

    anon sets up a bot to repeatedly attack me nonstop for over 2 weeks before the current system we have now was implemented. limiting the number of times you can be attacked/killed by the same person. i had over 10 thousand attacks from anon in 2 weeks. So I set up a bot to heal myself so i could play the game - that is when tomb got banned. How anon got around getting caught? good question.

    I won't risk another character getting banned - so I have not used bots since.

    All I didn't know anon was also Sir Anthony & bruticus (who he claimed was Sir Anthony's brother) lmao. anon is the biggest liar and hypocrite in the game.
    tomb / rok / Legendary Bounty Hunter

  10. #20
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    Why is it that cheaters like tomb.. aka rok, seem to always have an excuse for their cheating ways and continuously fabricate anything and everything under the sun to TRY and make someone else out to be the bad guy.... I'll never understand the mind of a cheater.



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